Lab 1c

Due: Sunday, May 28th 2023, 23:59

Individual Effort:
No team participation is really encouraged in the case of the homework or the labs.
You're are not allowed to use any libraries or extra code except gl-matrix, webgl-utils.js and some helper functions in order to initialize WebGL / load shaders. Especially Three.js is not allowed! If you're not sure or want to use some library, ask the teaching assistants before.



Create a playable 3D Tetris game!


We recommend to you to lay out a plan on how to approach this lab. Again, there are two main phases - the "object" and the "grid" phase. During the "object" phase you are manipulating a 3D object (move and rotate). During the "grid" phase you will have to rasterize this 3D object and manipulate a 3D grid (i.e. test whether a whole horizontal x-z-slice can be removed.)

Extra Credit (max 10%)


Grading Criteria

Grading the labs will be based on the correctness and the adherence to assignment specification.
Following issues will lead to point deductions (up to):

In order to get a full mark, you need to do all of the assigned tasks AND adhere to to lab procedures while creating readable and efficient code. I.e. if you accomplish only 70% of the tasks correctly, but you do not adhere to lab procedures, your final mark will be 70*(1-0.05) = 66.5%.