Create a playable 3D Tetris game!
We recommend to you to lay out a plan on how to approach this lab. Again, there are two main phases - the "object" and the "grid" phase. During the "object" phase you are manipulating a 3D object (move and rotate). During the "grid" phase you will have to rasterize this 3D object and manipulate a 3D grid (i.e. test whether a whole horizontal x-z-slice can be removed.)
T1: (10%) Render grid, setup camera
Create an html-page with a canvas and a view of an empty grid. The default view should be a view
from the top of the grid downwards (looking down the negative y axis of the grid). Your
default camera should be an orthographic camera, that centers the playing field.
Show the playing field bounding box as a wireframe. The wireframe should only show
the wireframe on the three sides that are not obstructing the view of the
The baseplate of the grid must be at least 4x4 fields big. You can choose any size between 4x4 and
8x8 fields, depending on your preference.
The height of the grid has to be at least 10 fields.
Here's a screenshot to give you an idea how it could look like:
T2: (20%) Object phase
Define all eight tetracubes
(see also wikipedia).
Use the following key-strokes to manipulate the object (assuming a right-handed coordinate system):
Again - the movements should be animated and gravity (down the y-axis) should be implemented. Please make sure that the game remains "playable", i.e. that the pieces don't move too fast (nor too slow).
T3: (30%) Data structure and collision detection
It's important that collision detection works properly (blocks should be non-overlaping,
objects should not move out of the array etc.)
Whenever the user hits the space bar, release the control of the
current object (and have it drop down) and introduce a new object at
the top of the drawing area. Make sure you delete a whole 2D slice if it is
completely filled with object blocks.
T4: (5%) Toggle grid
Include a switch ("g") that toggles between displaying the underlying
3D grid as a wireframe or not showing this grid. Note: the wireframe
mentioned in the setup section should be displayed at all times!
This will be a good debugging aid for you as well.
T5: (15%) Change the viewpoint
It's time for a change of view! You should add the following camera-controls:
T6: (10%) Shading
Include an ambient/diffuse/specular component which the user
can change through the gui. All objects have the same material
coefficients. However, their color is determined just like in
lab one - randomly per object. Also include a switch ("f") that toggles
between Gouraud and Per-Pixel-shading. The light source should be at
infinity with a direction of (-1, -1, -1).
T7: (5%) Texturing
So far you have been using color to distinguish your tetrominos. Now,
use some textures. Still at random, but on average, every fifth tetromino
should use a texture to tell it apart from others. Which texture(s) you
assign is up to you - be as creative as you want and as diligent as required.
T8: (5%) Cylinders
Include a switch ("b"), such that when you render the object, each block
of the grid (belonging to the object) should be displayed as a cylinder.
Pressing "b" again should reverse to the default, i.e. rendering
blocks as cubes.
B1: (5%) "Game Over" Screen
If you detect that the game is over, display a new window that displays
the message "Game Over" and has a button to start a new game.
B2: (5%) Transparent Blocks
Blocks often will block the player's view making it difficult to navigate the current block to its
Detect view-blocking blocks and make them temporarily transparent.
B3: (2.5%) Special Effects (up to two of the below)
B4: (5%) Drop-shadow
Project a shadow onto the ground-plane by a simple projection matrix,
like we discussed in class. The purpose of this drop-shadow is to predict
the position where the tetracube will fall. I.e. You should create a special
light source, different from the lightsource above.
In order to get a full mark, you need to do all of the assigned tasks AND adhere to to lab procedures while creating readable and efficient code. I.e. if you accomplish only 70% of the tasks correctly, but you do not adhere to lab procedures, your final mark will be 70*(1-0.05) = 66.5%.