- Content Description:
Computer graphics provides the tools to model mostly 2D and 3D data and processes, to generate photo-realistic
(or at least believable) or artistic renderings of the models, to interact with them through graphical user
interfaces, and to create visualizations and animations for communication, education and entertainment. This
course offers an introduction to the modeling and rendering aspects of computer graphics. The mathematical
concepts and techniques behind the development of various computer graphics algorithms will be covered. You
will also learn to implement some of these algorithms through programming assignments using WebGL (OpenGL for
browsers and smart phones).
Topics covered will include:
- basic raster graphics algorithms for drawing 2D primitives, antialiasing
- 2D and 3D geometrical transformations, 3D projections/viewing
- polygonal and hierarchical models
- hidden-surface removal
- basic rendering techniques (colour, shading, raytracing)
- interaction techniques
- textures