Tableau homework:
ToDos before May 8th
1. Install Tableau
Tableau for Students:
Tableau Software currently only works for Windows, not for Mac OS X. Tableau content that is published to Tableau Public on the web can be viewed in your web browser regardless of your operating system. However, to author and publish views and workbooks, you use Tableau Desktop Public and Professional Editions, which currently are Windows applications.
If you use a Macintosh computer that has an Intel processor, you can use virtualization software such as VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop to install Windows and run Tableau Desktop. Alternatively, you can use a built-in utility called BootCamp to install Windows and run the Tableau software.
2. Please read
3. Connect to data
To make sure you are all set for the tutorial try to connect to an excel sheet (e.g. Office Temperature data, see link below).
It works? -> Perfect
It didn’t? -> Try to fix it – maybe a driver is missing (see link above)
Homework May 15th
Create a Tableau dashboard (2 to 3 views) using the Office Temperature dataset.
Some background: Offices in the new faculty building get very hot during summer months. The temperature is above 30°C quite regularly. To prove this, we took the temperature and humidity in 10 rooms spread around the faculty building (see room plan for more info). The spreadsheet also contains temperature and humidity data from the ZMAG weather station “City Center of Vienna”. In the spreadsheet this outside temperature is labeled as room “1.00”.
The main answer we want to get from the data is: It’s too hot (the recommended temperature for office rooms: 25°C). However, use Tableau to explore temperature and additional data and find more questions and answers.
For example:
- Compare outside and room temperature
- Look at orientation and floor level of each room
- Compare weekdays and weekends
- Temperature per day/week/month
Keep design principles in mind (simplicity, data-ink ratio, use of color…) and create
a simple dashboard addressing those questions. Prepare a ten minute presentation of your dashboard for May 15th.
Download the temperature-dataset
here (
Building's floor-plan)!
We will evaluate the effectiveness of your visualization for communicating the fundamental aspects of the data set. Does it give the viewer a good understanding of the different characteristics of the data? Here, we are looking for both effectiveness and creativity. (We do realize that people have differing levels of design ability and experience. Here, we are looking for a good effort, not necessarily some conference paper-worthy new idea. Perhaps you can apply some of the ideas that you've learned from class so far.) The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in the analysis of data like this and the design of visualizations to present the data.
We will grade your submission and presentation with the following scheme:
- 25 % producing an interesting solution / creativity
- 25 % implementation / realization
- 50 % explanations / reasoning why this is a good visualization
Please prepare a short report. Your report should contain your ideas, approach, some details of your implementation and a screenshot. The files should be uploaded to CEWebS.
Please bring your laptop to show a demo of your work.
Academic Honesty