D3 homework:


These blog posts by the author of D3 provide an excellent introduction to the merits of a library like D3. Please read these before the tutorial.
We will extend the bar chart discussed in part III of the readings during the D3 tutorial. Please try the code there yourself before the tutorial. We will go over the code in detail and of course be happy to answer any questions!

Homework Jun 5th

For this assignment you should use the same Office Temperature data that you used for the Tableau assignment. Tableau is very flexible from a data exploration standpoint and allows one to easily create reasonable plots based on the selected variables. D3, on the other hand, is much more flexible in terms of what you can produce but you will need a better idea of what you want to visualize in the data before starting to program.

The idea of this assignment is to take some of your findings from the Tableau assignment and use D3 to produce a visualization that demonstrates those findings. In particular, if you found that the default visualizations in Tableau were lacking it would be interesting to implement exactly what you want in D3.

Some suggestions:
Of course, feel free to come up with your own!
Download the temperature-dataset here!


We will evaluate the effectiveness of your visualization for communicating the fundamental aspects of the data set. Does it give the viewer a good understanding of the different characteristics of the data? Here, we are looking for both effectiveness and creativity. (We do realize that people have differing levels of design ability and experience. Here, we are looking for a good effort, not necessarily some conference paper-worthy new idea. Perhaps you can apply some of the ideas that you've learned from class so far.) The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in the analysis of data like this and the design of visualizations to present the data.

We will grade your submission and presentation with the following scheme:

Please prepare a short report. Your report should contain your ideas, approach, some details of your implementation and a screenshot. Also don't forget to submit all files which are necessary in order to run your visualization. The files should be uploaded to CEWebS.

Please make a 10-minute presentation describing your ideas, approach, implementation, a really quick live demo and your experiences while working on this homework.
Upload your implementation and presentation-slides to any public accessable web-space (e.g. student's webspace provided by the ZID), so that you can easily demonstrate your visualization.


Academic Honesty